'IMAGINATION' Evelyn Roth's Nylon Zoo by YOU TELL VIDEOS

Greetings lovely friends from beautiful Maslin Beach

The rain has come at long last, the birds are singing as the garden soaks in the energy from the sky! We hope you are all doing well in these new and strange times. It has been a long time since we were enjoying the beauty of Womadelaide in early March. Since then so much has changed and we hope that this is our opportunity for us to really work out what is most important for us and this beautiful planet!

Time has been well spent in isolation with much cleaning up and creativity. One person who has been creating away is Rob from You Tell Videos. who has produced this fabulous video for us about Evelyn’s wonderful Nylon Zoo. Filmed over the weekend of March 6th -9th 2020 at the Womadelaide Festival, Rob’s video captures the essence of Evelyn’s incredible creativity and wondrous imagination! Enjoy!

We hope to see you all soon somewhere out there when the time is right.

With love & creativity,

Evelyn Roth Arts

Let your imagination run wild at Evelyn Roth's Nylon Zoo (WOMAD 2020). Another real life story by You Tell Videos ... www.youtellvideos.com.au